
對於美國的愛國者法案第505條款一直在注意,不可否認,近代圖書館學的中心思想受到美國的影響很深,杜威(先不管他的沙文主義傾向)訂定了圖書館學的基礎,到蘭卡斯特的無 紙社會,美國有它的獨到領先之處,更讓個人覺得重要的是美國圖書館員對於「資訊自由」的中心思想,一直是深植於圖書館倫理之中。

但在911之後,布希政府的右派領導,卻不 斷的朝向保守前進,愛國者法案對於資訊自由的限制不可謂不大,還蠻另人失望的。 近日同時也在閱讀「禁書」一書,該書有許多被禁名著的介紹,以及被禁的原因,其介紹部份淺明易懂,是很好的書摘,而被禁過程的部份,往往圖書館都扮有一定角色,在數篇 之中,可以看見圖書館在維護資訊自由努力的部份,十分值得館員一看。

Library Connection是一個由27所公共及學術圖書館組成的圖書館聯盟,他們都是使用同套自動化系統,該新聞是Lirbrary Connection 對愛國者法案抗爭的一個勝利,但是圖書館在該法案中,仍是屬於較被忽略的角色。

資訊自由該多自由? 國家安全該多安全? 是否要安全到侵害個人資料呢? 另一形式的「全民公敵」正在美國熱映中。


Library Connection is “John Doe”— Board speaks about NSL order for library records
Library Connection是個"無名氏" - 對國安信函要求圖書館記錄的公開發言。

(WASHINGTON) Today four Connecticut librarians spoke publicly for the first time about their experience as recipients of a National Security Letter (NSL) demanding library records. Plaintiffs in John Doe v. Gonzales George Christian, Executive Director of Library Connection; Barbara Bailey, President of the Library Connection Board; Peter Chase, the Board’s Vice President; and Janet Nocek, Secretary of the Board spoke to reporters at an ACLU press conference in New York City. The Plaintiffs were finally allowed to speak publicly after lawyers representing the government withdrew an appeal to keep their identities hidden after Federal District Court Judge Janet C. Hall declared the perpetual gag order that accompanies National Security Letters unconstitutional.

(華盛頓)今天,四位康乃迪克州圖書館員以國安信函要求圖書館記錄的受文者的經驗,第一次發表公開聲明。(梁董按:國安信函為911事件後,根據愛國者法授權,聯邦調查局可 在不需經過法院許可的情況下,逕以國安信函(National Security Letter,NSL)要求機構提供註冊使用者資料) 起訴人「無名氏」、Library Connection 執行長Gonzales George Christian,Library Connection Board總裁Barbara Bailey,副總裁Peter Chacse,祕書長Janet Nocek對在 紐約舉行的美國公民聯合會記者會發言人晤談過後。並在聯邦地方初審法院法官Janet C. Hall宣佈隨著國安信函而產生的言論禁止令違憲,代表政府方律師撤回對其個人資料隱藏的上訴後,那些起訴人最後終於獲准公開發言。

Christian, Chase, Bailey and Nocek spoke of the “chilling effect” on the public of laws that allow the federal government easy access to library records and challenged the Justice Department’s claims that no citizens’ rights were violated under section 505 of the PATRIOT Act. Board Vice President Peter Chase said of Justice Department officials’ earlier claims that library records were not being searched under the PATRIOT Act, “I want to know why they weren’t telling the truth.”

Chase, Bailey 和 Nocek談到人民在聯邦政府能輕易的調閱圖書館記錄所造成的"寒蟬效應",並質疑司法部宣稱愛國者法案505條並沒有違反公民權利。副總裁Peter Chase表示司法部官方稍早宣稱圖書館記錄並不在愛國者法案搜尋的範圍裡「我想知道為什麼他們不說出真相?」

ALA President-Elect Leslie Burger officially thanked Library Connection on behalf of America’s library users for their “bravery and patriotism” in fighting the government’s order and expressed regret that Library Connection was barred from speaking to Congress about the USA PATRIOT Act before the law was renewed earlier this year. “In the course of the very important debate over renewal of the PATRIOT Act our elected officials should have had access to Library Connection’s testimony,” she said. “The fact that Congress did not get to hear your account of the impact of Section 505 of the PATRIOT Act on librarians and library users means that they were not as fully informed as they deserved to be.” Burger concluded the press conference by expressing the hope that “the stand Library Connection has taken on behalf of the library community will help lead the way to laws that better reflect what this country stands for.

ALA總裁,Leslie Burger,正式向Library Connection為其代表美國圖書館使用者向政府命令抗爭的"勇氣及愛國心"致謝,並對Library Connetcion在本年稍早時對在國會討論愛 國者法案時被阻擋發言一事感到遺憾。" 在這一系列在愛國者法案更新非常重要的爭辯的過程裡,這些民選的官員該採取Library Connection的証詞", 她表示。" 事實上國會在聽取愛國者法案影響敘述時,並沒有讓圖書館員和其讀者充份的表達意見" Burger 以下列期望總結了記者會:「Library Connection 所代表的圖書館立場將會幫助引領法律的未來走向,以期能更好的反映這國家所象徵。」

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