
我有些反微軟的傾向,但是又不得不使用它,所以,在有比較好的選擇下,我一定會先用非微軟的工具,在前文FireFox與ThunderBird對ie和outlook裡,有介紹Firefox這個好用的browser,Stephen Abram在The Google Opportunity裡的認為圖書館也該去接觸一下:「我們該在特定領域中做多些先趨實驗,像是採用新的瀏覽器如Firefox 或是Opera這些能提供一些瀏覽器"生理"上的希望,它可以降低在spam,病毒、和間諜軟體上的戰爭。」並希望圖書館能推介出去,並點出Fireforx"生理"上的優點,就是很多病毒是針對IE所寫,如果用firefox那些病毒也就進不來的優點。但是,除了這些,還有更好用的。

可以到 Download已包好的PowerPack威力版,並安裝所有的套件,從這個版本裡來看在圖書館上有什麼應用。



有Google,NBInet,輔大圖書OPAC,台大opac裡的作者、題名、期刊等圖書館關的,更好的是,如果你套件都有選的話,有一個叫drag and play的套件非常好用,你只要在網頁上把你有興趣的名詞反白,按住向右上拖,它會自動開一個分頁去查詢。

不了?? 如圖,我現在是選Google,我如果要在Google查"台大"這二個字, 請將"台大"這二個字反白,向右上拖曳,就會開另一個分頁呈現結果了,同樣,若將右上選為nbinet的話,它就會呈現NBInet的結果,超好用超方便的。

還有沒其它的功能?? 有的,你可以訂RSS…

另外,這一期新的Library Hi Tech裡就有這篇由Judith Wusteman的 About XML: from Ghostbustersto libraries - the power of XUL 它有由firefox來介紹它能為圖書館做些什麼。它介紹了更多的Toolbar,大多是醫學圖書館可以利用的,和其它的,將原文列下,可以參考:

There are a whole range ofextensions that facilitate searching and browsing; many are ofparticular relevance to libraries. The following are just a fewexamples.

  • The Athens Toolbar[13] assists existing Athens users in managing their accounts and navigating between resources.
  • The PubMed toolbar[14] provides additional functionality to the PubMed interface.
  • The Biobar toolbar[15] allows power-browsing of biological data and databases.
  • The bioFOX project[16] aims to implement various bioinformatics extensions to enable tasks such as analysis of genes.
  • The Health On the Net Foundation (HON) code extension[17] allows users to identify HON-accredited web sites.
  • The Context Search extension[18] changes the Web Search for context item into a menu containing the user's search term, as shown in Figure 1.Users can then access a search engine directly without first having toaccess the engine's web page. They can choose which search engines tomake available via the MyCroft search plug-ins project described below.In Figure 1, the Tübingen University Library OPAC is about to be searched for the term open source.
  • The MyCroft project[19]provides over 1,200 search plug-ins. The latter are based on a conceptsimilar to extensions. The chosen search engines are made available viathe search box in the top right-hand corner of Firefox, as can be shownin Figure 1.In this illustration, the search term and search engine are the same asthose chosen via the Context Search extension. A simple configurationfile is all that is required to add a library catalogue search engineto the Firefox search bar and, thus, to the Web Search for context item.

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