還是Google~這篇文其實不是新的文章了。是在2004年的十二月所發表的,作者對當時Google的Library Project提出十個問題,並想找出答案,對了解Google Library Project來說,是一篇可以進行了解的文章,參考價值蠻高的。

圖書館員,學者,新聞工作者,資工界大老和一般普羅大眾持續的在對於Google新圖書館計劃的意見、關注、吵鬧或讚揚而沸沸湯湯著。"這是世界改變的日子"John Wilkin,密西根州立大學與Google合作的館員如此表示 "這會造成爭議因為有一些人對擔心這是圖書館末日的開端。然而,這是件我們重振專業必做的事並且它能更有意義。"Mary Sue Colman,密西根州立大學館長如此告知Free Press媒體:"這個計劃顯出紙本資料能讓世界上所有人利用網際網路查檢資料的年代到來。它也是對今日巨大衝擊的開始並且在未來會有無盡的可能" 當問及Google正在建立圖書館事業以取代所有其它的圖書館,Google代表-在對圖書館員致敬後-說他們在此刻沒有這樣的計劃,有太多的事要做了。
Librarians, academicians, journalists, information industry pundits, and real people continue to ring in with comments, concerns, quarrels, and commendations for Google’s new library program. “This is the day the world changes,” said John Wilkin, a University of Michigan librarian working with Google. “It will be disruptive because some people will worry that this is the beginning of the end of libraries. But this is something we have to do to revitalize the profession and make it more meaningful.” Mary Sue Coleman, president of the University of Michigan, told the Free Press: “This project signals an era when the printed record of civilization is accessible to every person in the world with Internet access. It is an initiative with tremendous impact today and endless future possibilities.” When asked whether Google is building the library to replace all other libraries, Google representatives—after saluting the role of librarians—said they had “no such plans at the moment. There was too much work to do.”

Here is a roundup of some of the questions asked and answers posited:

這些由圖書館 得到的資料會成為Google Scholar的一部份嗎?

* Will the content Google derives from this library program become part of Google Scholar?
o A Google representative had no answer at this time; however, he did say that it seemed “a natural intersection.”

很多人問及科技和技術會需要以海克力士般努力才能完成-經費也是。一些觀察家推測要於六年內完成這件計劃需要每天平均掃描3200本書(要全年無休),這是只單單以密西根州立大學700萬冊館藏書量來計算,其它方式來算的話是每分鐘要掃2.25本。當問及數位過程的經費時(某些人估一本約要10元美金),Gordon Macomber, Thomson Gale的CEO指出(Thomson Gale有過把十八、十九世紀沒有版權爭議的書數位化的經驗),每本書10美元的成本低於Gale當時的經驗。所有人都同意,這是件負荷超級重的工作。

* What will this cost Google?
o Many questioned the technology and techniques it would require to perform the Herculean effort—and the costs entailed. Some observers conjectured that performing the project in a 6-year time frame would require an average scan rate of 3,200 volumes a day (365 days a year) for the University of Michigan’s 7 million volumes alone; others applied the same work schedule and came up with 2.25 books per minute. When asked about feasible costs for digitization (estimated by some at $10 per book), Gordon Macomber, president and CEO of Thomson Gale (which has extensive experience in digitizing its Eighteenth Century Collections Online and Nineteenth Century Collections Online licensed products), indicated that $10 per book was below Gale’s experienced cost. All agreed it was a huge undertaking.

Google員工沒有回答,但是Jay Jorddan,OCLC的CEO指出OCLC有個數位註冊-由名義上的錢所得-它列出了已被數位的館藏和將要數位化的館藏

* How will Google handle duplicates between the libraries?
o Google staff had no answer. However, Jay Jordan, president and CEO of OCLC, pointed out that OCLC has a digital registry—available for a nominal fee—that lists what has been digitally preserved and what’s in the queue. The University of Michigan is reportedly harvesting catalog records for its content contributions.

Michael Keller, Stanford圖書館館長和學術資訊資源總裁,指出Stanford計劃要建立非英語系的資料,特別是以羅馬字母的歐洲語文,但是他指出Google能處理其它的字母,如漢字或是阿拉伯字母。
* Is this project English-language only?
o Michael Keller, Stanford’s library director and director of academic information resources, stated that Stanford planned to contribute non-English texts—in particular, European languages using Roman alphabet characters. But he pointed out that Google can process in other alphabets, e.g., Kanji or Arabic.


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