我一直以為圖書館在追求科技這件事,就本質而言是件很矛盾的事,(先不論以人文為本,以科技為用的想法。就單單看本質上), 圖書館不斷的追求科技,以求這些技術能讓讀者方便的得到精確的資訊,於是自動分類與索引是圖書館學的一門,於是數位典藏為我們要發展的一科,於是如何利用不斷發展的新科技在圖書資訊學上,是我們不斷努力的目標,但若是把它當做向量來看,時間為x軸、科技對讀者的重要性當y軸,y軸若是很緩慢的向上爬升,而當時間無限長時,科技對讀者的重要性總有一天會到頂點,那時,館員的重要性在哪? 圖書館追求科技最終頂點是科技會取代圖書館,我以為這是本質上的矛盾。這篇文章就是立於這種論調上的一篇文章…



The Death of Libraries  by TR Staff

At most libraries, the hand-typed card catalogues thumbed by generations of patrons have been supplanted by electronic indexes accessed via PCs locally or over the Web. Now that Google has agreed to scan millions of books from five major libraries and to make their contents searchable on the Web—a project that experts say is likely to yield spinoff technologies that drastically lower the costs of digitization and catalyze similar efforts worldwide—can the disappearance of libraries themselves be far behind?


Most librarians say no, as our story “The Infinite Library,” on page 54, reports. Whatever the form in which book content is stored, librarians believe, people will still come to libraries for expert help finding information, for public access to the Internet, or for the comfortable atmosphere libraries provide for reading and reflection. And there will always be a need, professionals point out, for places that preserve traditional paper books.


All of that may be true. But there is still room to wonder how libraries will trump the expediency of being able to download a whole book over the Web, at little or no cost, instead of schlepping to the library. Print-on-demand services are spreading fast (see “The Future of Books,” January 2005), and electronic reading devices will continue to improve until they rival the resolution and usability of regular books. At that point, the only burning reason for a physical trip to the library will be to see a copy of a needed book that has not yet been digitized, or that has been digi­tized but is not downloadable due to copyright restrictions.

些可能全是真的。但是在其中還是有空間去思考圖書館如何能勝過在只需一點點或不用花費任何錢,就能在網路上方便地整本下載書本來取代到圖書館這件麻煩事。隨印服務正快速的擴張(見future of Books,”2005年一月 ),並且電子閱讀設備也正持續的改進,一直到能和傳統書本能一較高下為止。就這個觀點來看,對圖書館而言,只有一個強烈的原因會讓讀者實際到館:不是書還沒有數位化就是因為版權的關係還不能讓人下載。

So in reality, the future of libraries may rest on just two factors: the rate at which digitization and display technologies ­advance, and the evolution of laws and practices regarding copyrights. In the United States, books published before January 1, 1923, are in the public domain and can be copied and redistributed by anyone, free of charge. At the same time, many books written in the past five to eight years have been published in both print and electronic form, and libraries have arranged with publishers to make some of these new e-books available for loan. (Borrowed e-books typically “expire,” becoming unreadable after a certain period.) It’s arranging access to the huge number of in-between books—those published between 1923 and the late 1990s—that is the critical issue.


If publishers and authors maintain their tight control on these books after they are scanned, public libraries will still have an important place as a free source for them, even if they can loan out only a few electronic copies at a time. On the other hand, if Google and others can arrange with publishers and authors to allow low-cost downloads of whole books—a likely prospect, seeing that it gives publishers a new way to squeeze revenues from their backlists—then libraries will inevitably recede in importance. It’s a simple matter of convenience: free or low-cost access to digital books will make libraries more dispensable. Librarianship isn’t about to disappear as a profession. But if librarians want a steady supply of patrons, they’ll need to find ways to keep their institutions relevant in the digital age.


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