4. Push content out People aren't magically aware that something that might interest them is newly available. Libraries need to get better at serving these needs with such tools as alerting services, blogs, and RSS feeds and aggregators. These tools are cheap and easy. Let's get more one-on-one with these services and delight our users as individuals and not just as market segments. While we're at it, make sure they know that it comes from their library.

:人們不可能神奇的注意到在新的資訊裡可能會有他們感興趣的東西。圖書館該在這些需求上用下面這些工具來提供新知服務,像是blog, Rss feed, 和aggregators聚合器等。這些東西又便宜又簡單,讓我們一個接一個以這些服務讓我們的使用者能每個人都享受到,而不只是整體市場的片面而已。當我們進行時,確定他們知道這服務是從圖書館那得到的。

* 5. Get on the bandwagon early When you experiment, you become expert as innovations hit their stride. We should experiment more with pilots in specific areas-such as the adoption of new browsers like Firefox or Opera that offer some hope for browser "biological" diversity and will reduce our exposure to the spam, virus, and spyware wars. I'd love to see libraries riding the crest of the e-learning wave; there's development money here, and libraries are integrally tied to continuous and institutional learning. We should also experiment with ethical P2P file sharing and streaming media architectures in preparation for the new generation of files that hold information and cultural objects.

5.早些上到遊行花車上吧:當你進行實驗時,你會成為領域的創新的先趨專家。我們該在特定領域中做多些先趨實驗,像是採用新的瀏覽器如Firefox 或是Opera這些能提供一些瀏覽器"生理"上的希望,它可以降低在spam,病毒、和間諜軟體上的戰爭。我很樂意看到圖書館位在e-Learning浪潮的頂瑞。有些在這領域可以營收賺錢,並且圖書館正不斷的進步與學習。我們應同時可以實驗看看合理的P2P檔案分享,和串流媒體的建構,作為新一代資訊和文化資產類型的檔案的準備。

* 6. Invent targeted search The days of little boxes and just basic and advanced search and display are so last century. Users will demand search and display options that match their needs and information literacy levels. Display results will evolve beyond simple ranked lists-and libraries have the opportunity to offer ad-free results! Technological solutions such as those presented by Convera, Northern Light, Vivisimo, Endeca, Sirsi Rooms, and Anacubis's TouchGraph offer insights into the future of specialized search and display.

那些在小盒子裡的日子,和只有基本/進階搜尋和呈現的日是上世紀的事了。使用者會要求搜尋和呈現的選項能符合他們的需求,以及資訊能力的層級。呈現的結果將會演進為簡單得排序表-而圖書館能有機對提供沒有廣告的結果!技術解決方案如由Convera , Northern Light, Vivisimo , Endeca, Sirsi Rooms , 和Anacubis's TouchGraph就提供了這些內含未來觀念的特定搜尋和呈現結果。

7. Lead the wireless revolution
We mustfollow the lead of wireless scholarly campuses; public libraries likethose in Philadelphia, Chicago, Edmonton, and Fredericton that areinvolved in citywide wireless projects; hospital libraries with theirgreat PDA-based information services; and businesses with theirBlackberry applications. Communities of all kinds must have informationwhen and where they need it, not just during our hours or at PCstations. How do we make the library's community web page the defaulton our community wireless hot spots?


8 Get into the community With the wirelessrevolution and ubiquitous computing technologies, we have anopportunity to spread the library's tentacles throughout the community.Let's move collections into the places where they are needed and can beused and support diverse communities by shifting collections throughoutthe system to ensure variety. Can we create great alliances amongschools, community centers, and public libraries? We have, and we cando better. Can we make ourselves and our services highly visible in ourcommunities? Yes, we must.

:在這無線網網路革命和到處都是電腦科技時代裡,我們有個可以把圖書館觸手伸入至社區的機會。讓我們利用系統來移送館藏,把館藏放到他們需要並且可用的的地方。我們能不能創造出校際聯盟,社區中心,和公共圖書館合作的聯盟?我們已經做了,而且可以做得更好。我們能不能讓自已以及我們的服務能在我們的社區裡被高度的注意呢? 是的! 我們一定要做。

9. Make the library discoverable
What happenswhen you search for your library on Yahoo!, MSN, and Google? Your website is there, right? On the first page of results? Good! What happenswhen you search for a book in your collection on Yahoo!, MSN, andGoogle? What happens when you search for one of your services or aspecial repository or local collection? Are you still on the firstthree pages? Use the techniques of an SEO (search engine optimizer) toensure that your web site is not only registered to be crawled by themajor search engines but that you use the right words to be picked upproperly. There are ways for your users to find your library and itsservices-even if they don't know what you offer or that you even exist.If we want to survive we must place our messages where the users areseeking answers and will trip over them. Today, that usually means atYahoo!, MSN, and Google.


如果你在yahoo, msn, 和google上找的話,會怎樣呢? 你的網站就該在那,是吧? 是在結果上的第一頁? 很好,那當你在yahoo,msn ,google上找一本你館藏館有的書會無樣呢? 當你找一項你圖書館有的服務或是特藏,或是當地的特藏伲? 結果你還是在前三頁嗎? 用匆看這個SEO (search engine optimizer)來確定你的網站不只是註冊後在這些搜尋網站上爬行,而是你用正確的字就可以得到適當得結果。有些方法可以提供使用者來找到你的圖書館以及其服務,有時他們甚至不知道你提供些什麼或是不知道你存在與否。如果我們要生存的話,我們必預把我們的訊息放在使用者在找答案的過程中。成日,這些通常就是指Yahoo MSN和Google

10. Build context first
Libraries serve manycommunities in many sectors. This is our context. We improve thequality of questions, organize the world's recorded knowledge andculture, and deliver the right content experiences for our users. But,overall, we live in the context of our users.
We don't create that context; our users arriveat our service points with their context fully blown and intact. It isbasic to our profession that we understand deeply the communities weserve. We need to empathize with users' goals, psychological needs, andcompetency levels, no matter if they come in virtually or not. We mustensure that the user doesn't get too much content, too little context,and too few librarians.




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