天經黃世雄老師指教,在LJ裡有篇好像是The Revange of Blog的文章,於是回家後就很想找來一觀,結果,在找LJ的同時,卻看到了Carol Tenopir這篇談論Google Scholar的文章,覺得蠻有趣的,加上一時又找不到那篇,就先看了這篇了,看完,也就順手翻了下來,有興趣可以引用,但是請註明出處,若有不對,也請指教則箇。

實本文並不是以技術或是用很嚴謹的方式去印証Google Scholar,而是用會議上使用者的意見與作者使用上的心得來著眼,也蠻值得參考一下的。


Googlein the Academic Library

Carol Tenopir. Library Journal. New York: Feb 1,2005.Vol.130, Iss. 2; pg. 32, 1 pgs

GOOGLE SCHOLAR, INTRODUCED in beta form inNovember 2004, already has everyone talking. People wonder how scholarly thematerial is, whether it will put commercial information retrieval systems outof business, and if it will make the library obsolete. Is it really as good aspromised?

Google Scholoar
於二○○四年十一月推出測試版,就引起熱烈討論。人們猜想它的資料有多學術性,Google Scholar是否會讓商業的資訊檢索系統沒生意可做,和是否它會讓圖書館被淘汰。它真如當初承諾的那麼好嗎?

The material in Google Scholar( is not just the peer-reviewed journals available insystems like ScienceDirect,Web of Science, or SciPinder; it also includesbibliographic information about books (scholarly or not) from the OCLC WorldCatdatabase, book reviews, and links to publishers' web sites. Occasionally, othermaterial sneaks through, but my sample searches largely retrieved mostlyrelevant, relatively scholarly materials.

GoogleScholar裡的資料不只是只能在系統裡找到同儕評鑑期刊,如ScienceDirect, Web of Science, or SciFinder這些資料庫,它同時也包括了從OCLCWorldCat資料庫裡學術或是非學術書籍的書目資訊、書評、和出版商網站的連結。偶爾,一些資料會漏掉,但是我的樣本搜尋大部份檢索到恰當的、相關的學術資料。

Google Scholar also includes the number ofcitations for each hit and links to those that are available. Number ofcitations is factored into the ranking algorithm, so highly cited items aremore likely to appear early on.

Google Scholar

A search of "genome project"retrieved several thousand records. The first few screens were mostly articlesin PubMed and other full-text journal sources (some available only when my IPaddress was recognized as coming from a subscribing library and others only aspay-per-view), a few abstracts, a book description, and some dead links.Searching for "geysers" yielded similar results but with more booksand book reviews. WorldCat provided the nearest library that holds the titlewhen I put in my zip code as prompted.


Same searches, other systems 一些搜尋,其它系統

On the full Google, "geyser" tookme to the National Park Service sites, spring water companies, touristcompanies, and more.The few truly academic things were buried. Google Scholarseems to have solved this problem.

Google裡,”geyser”帶我到國家公園服務網站裡,礦泉水公司,旅行社,和更多其色。只有少數的學術的東西埋在其中,Google Scholar看樣子已經解決了這個問題。

Searching on the same topics in Web ofScience, ScienceDirect, and EBSCO Academic Search Premier brought resuits youwould expect-full-text articles and a few abstracts, almost all frompeerreviewed journals (plus popular science titles like Smithsonian in EBSCO).The results showed a much wider range of journal titles than Google Scholar,perhaps because Google is still building relationships with publishers (ACM,IEEE, PubMed, and OCLC are already on board). While graduate students andfaculty still need the commercial systems, undergraduates may find all theywant on Google Scholar, at least with regard to science and medical topics.

Web ofScienc, ScienceDirectEBSCO Academic Search Premier下用同樣的主題找,帶來的結果是可以預期的全文文章,和少數摘要,幾乎都是同儕評鑑期刊(加上流行科學標題像是EBSCO中的Smithsonian),這些結果顯示出比Google Scholar(很多)的範圍,也許是因為Google是建立在這些出版商的關係上(ACM, IEEE, PubMed, OCLC都在其中)。當研究生和教職員還需要商業系統時,大學生可以用Google Scholar全找到他們要的,至少在科學和醫學的主題上。

Potential and power

Google Scholar has real potential toprovide easy, one-stop access to articles in both subscription journals anditems in institutional repositories, open access journals, and e-print servers.Although the beta version does not yet include Open Archives harvestedmaterials, the power of identifying academic materials buried in a sea of webflotsam is enticing.

Google Scholar
的潛力在於提供了簡單、一次就可以完成的期刊檢索,同時包括訂閱的期刊和機構內的報告,開放檢索(Open Aceess)期刊,和電子格式期刊的伺服器。雖然測試版本還不能包括OAI裡的資料,能找出埋於網海裡的學術資料的能力,還蠻讓人興奮的。

But easy access to multiple sourcesunwittingly highlights a multiple version problem. Preprints, revised versions,and final versions of articles all get retrieved. Most publishers allow authorsto self archive early versions of their articles, but the final published PDFmay only be available by the publisher to subscribers. By crawling a variety ofweb sites, Google Scholar has unearthed some final published versions thatauthors or their institutions have mounted on open web sites in violation oflicensing agreements. Publishers may find an unanticipated use for Scholar-aswatchdog.

是輕易地就可以檢索到多形式的資料來源不知不覺的也造成了多種版本上的問題。預印的、校正的版正和完稿的文章全可以被檢索到。大多出版商允許作者自行存下其文章較早的版本,但是最後出版的pdf檔才能被出版商發行。在許多有網站中悠游時Google Scholar掘出一些最後出版的版本,這些是會讓作者或是其機構違反合約協議的。出版商可能會找到一個非預期的Google Scholar使用方式。

What the experts say 專家說什麼咧

At the Online Information Meeting in London this pastNovember, Scholar was a hot topic. Gary Price, editor of,noted his searches have brought up "a lot of stuff people wouldn'tconsider scholarly," such as press releases, calendars, etc. KarenBlakeman, director, RBA Information Services, "would like to see a list ofsources" included. Her experiences with Google Scholar have beendisappointing because of missing power search features: a consistent,controlled vocabulary (or even access to vocabularies that exist in NLM-PubMedrecords); the ability to search on fields like ISBN; and sorting by publisher,author, or dates.

去年十一月倫敦的線上資訊會議(Online Information Meeting)上,Google Scholar是一個最熱門的主題。Gary Price, ResourceShelf.Com的編輯,提到他的搜尋結果帶出了人們不會考量學術性的很多東西像是媒體發行、行事曆等等。Karen BlakemanRBA Information Services的總裁說將會看到資料來源的一排名單在其中。她使用GoogleScholar的經驗已然讓她失望,因為缺少了搜尋功能的能力:一個前後一致的控制詞彙(或甚至查檢在NLM-PubMed資料的詞彙),檢索ISBN的能力,和出版商、作者或是日期的排序。

It will be popular

Whatever it does, Google Scholar will bewildly popular with students. Already students turn to search engines (andGoogle most often) as a first choice. Google Scholar seemingly answers theirteachers' and librarians' main objections to the web-that the material isn't ofhigh enough academic quality for school assignments-and there are noadvertisements or sponsored hits. Mary Ellen Bates, Bates Information Services,advised at the Online Information Meeting that "it is important forlibrarians to roll [Scholar] out to our clients and teach them about what elsethe library has."

管它怎樣,GoogleScholar將會在學生裡廣受歡迎。現今學生正將搜尋引擎當作第一的優先選擇(Google 是最常的)Google Scholar 似乎在回應著學生的老師和圖書館員對學生做學校作業用網路上資料而其沒有足夠的學術性的意見。並且沒有廣告或是贊助商的連結。Mary Ellen Bates, Bates Information Services公司,於線上資訊會議上建言它對館員去推動和教育我們的讀者圖書館有什麼其它的資源上是非常重要的

Google Scholar does not make the libraryobsolete-it is intertwined with collections by linking to OCLC member librariesfor books and to subscriptions for journal access. It does not replace thelibrary collection. It expands access. The impact on abstracting and indexingservices remains to be seen.

Google Scholar並沒有讓圖書館被淘汰,它用連結結合OCLC會員圖書館館藏中書和訂閱的期刊檢索。它不是取代圖書館的館藏,它擴張了檢索。在摘要和索引服務上的衝擊,更是可以持續觀察的。


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