鄧英蘭已把ALA的Code of Ethics of the American Library Association翻譯好了,於此可以看到鄧英蘭翻譯的版本(是東海大學圖書館呂館長引用其翻譯),翻譯的把原文的意思都寫出來了,然而,我還是認為有些太硬而有距離,鄧將"We"均翻為"館員",其意義無誤,但是我還是喜歡把它翻成"我們",多了些認同和親近。

Code of Ethics of the American Library Association
  1. 我們提供最高級的服務給所有的圖書館使用者…有禮且不帶偏見。(We provide the highest level of service to all library usersthrough appropriate and usefully organized resources; equitable servicepolicies; equitable access; and accurate, unbiased, and courteousresponses to all requests.)
  2. 我們把智識自由當做最高原則,並抵抗所有對圖書館的審查制度(We uphold the principles of intellectual freedom and resist allefforts to censor library resources.)
  3. 我們保獲每位讀者的隱私權(We protect each library user's right to privacy andconfidentiality with respect to information sought or received andresources consulted, borrowed, acquired or transmitted.
  4. 我們認同並遵重智慧財產權(We recognize and respect intellectual property rights.)
  5. 我們以尊重、公平、和真誠的態度對待我們的同事(We treat co-workers and other colleagues with respect, fairnessand good faith, and advocate conditions of employment that safeguardthe rights and welfare of all employees of our institutions.)
  6. 我們不會因為私人利益而侵害到讀者、同事和單位的權益(We do not advance private interests at the expense of libraryusers, colleagues, or our employing institutions.)
  7. 我們要區分個人想法和專業職責的不同,不能因個人而影響至圖書館(We distinguish between our personal convictions and professionalduties and do not allow our personal beliefs to interfere with fairrepresentation of the aims of our institutions or the provision ofaccess to their information resources.)
  8. 我們要不斷努力追求屬於我們的知識與技能,激發個人的能力!!(We strive for excellence in the profession by maintaining andenhancing our own knowledge and skills, by encouraging the professionaldevelopment of co-workers, and by fostering the aspirations ofpotential members of the profession.)



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