第一個圖資是geographic information systems 有人翻成地圖資訊、地理資訊系統,簡稱是圖資
另一個圖資當然是我們的圖資Library and Information Science。
Title: Library space management: a GIS proposal
Author(s): Jingfeng Xia
Journal: Library Hi Tech
Year: 2004 Volume: 22 Number: 4 Page: 375 -- 382
DOI: 10.1108/07378830410570476
Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing Limited

應用在館藏管理上,倒是個不錯的想法… 不過,看完之後,

文中引用Fraley and Anderson (1990)所主張圖書館空間規劃上的問題:
1.缺少館藏增加的空間lack of collection growth space;
2.缺少讀者使用空間lack of space for people;
3.圖書館服務的組織之任務改變change in direction or mission of the organization or community served by libraries;
4.和增加新的服務 introduction of new services.
這些因素都會讓圖書館空間需要進行變更,以符合有效的服務,但是在空間的重新規劃上,圖書館卻很少有系統、有計劃、或是有自動化/電腦化的方式進行空間管理。各圖書館都試著找出最好的方法,因為一但進行空間變動,其成本所費不眥,然而,並沒有一個方法是能完全都考慮全面。這位本文作者Jingfeng Xia(我想應該是華人吧)提出應用GIS來進行電腦化的管理。

正如作者所提,醫院甚至賭場都應用了GIS,也增進了效率,如病床的定位、分配。病人目前的床位進行追綜等,不過這一句「Libraries share manysimilarities with hospitals and casinos in constructional scale andcomplexity. There is no reason that GIS cannot be used to work wellwith the concerns of library space management.」
  • GIS has the ability ofperforming spatial analysis, a key that facilitates measurement on theutilization of library space and facilities. By treating eachindividual library object as a unit and collecting the data of libraryoperations associated with the unit, GIS turns spatial analysis into adynamic magic.
  • GIS can treat objectsdifferently by categorizing them and placing each type of objects intoindividual themes. By overlaying different themes on one another, theinteractive spatial analysis becomes an easy task. Thereby, forexample, analysis of study rooms can be conjunct with the analysis ofpipelines going through ceilings of rooms.
  • As part of a GIS package,the spatial database is able to store data related to each object andlinked to the visual presentation of the object. Spatial data analysisand visual presentation have become an integrated system.
  • GIS can performinfrastructure management at very detailed level, e.g. a study room, adesk, or a chair. The ability to navigate geographically over floorplans and building sketches is easy in a GIS platform.
  • It is possible to implementthe system online so that operating it can be easy and be controlledremotely. This makes maintenance of the system less expensive.
  • Developing such a systemcosts almost nothing. Since many academic libraries already havepopular GIS software, no further investment on computer hardware andsoftware is required. Any GIS tool that is available can be a goodcandidate, such as ArcView, ArcInfo, ArcGIS, MapInfo, or IDRISI.The cost of developing the system is relatively low because of thesimplicity of the development process. The cost of system maintenancewill vary from library to library
直至此處,我還是看不出來為什麼圖書館要花精力建構GIS系統,在也許五年才變動一次空間分布上投入精力?文中所提醫院的例子:醫院有病床和病人資訊會不斷流動,即時的重要性不言自喻,試想,護士在不斷變動的床位/病人中,如何能快速了解病床即時的資訊,GIS自然可以發揮效用,但是圖書和書架的關係均較為固定,不可能會每日調架吧? 會讓我有殺雞牛刀的疑問。另外,第六點提出不用花費什麼錢(cost nothing),我也持疑,就算軟體均有現成軟體,人才何處尋? 館員時間的投入和回收成本可能不成正比。AutoCAD繪製館內空間…還是件差事吧。至少不像我們用PowerPoint做個簡報那樣簡單。
GIS同樣也可以做成快速導覽,省時省力,但是,我想讀者或館員不太可能每書進館時書架的位置就改變了,分類也改變方式,這快速導覽的功能Flash、網頁是不是就可以代勞? 五年做一次應該還好。


是的,GIS可能把管線、空間分佈進行有系統的利用、統計、了解並分析以增進效能,但圖書館變動性畢竟不如醫院/賭場,在目前的成本效益也許還不是能達到實用的階段。館員在找到一個適用的模式後,可能會沿用好一陣子,當然,不見得是好事,但GIS? 這文章還是不能說服我這是個很好的空間管理解決方案。


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